A child custody case is one of the most difficult and emotional aspects of a divorce or separation. When determining custody, the court will look at multiple factors to determine what is in the best interest of the child. This includes the parents’ ability to care for the child, their history of abusive behavior or neglect, their living arrangements (including new romantic partners), and many other things. The child’s wishes, if they are old enough to express them, will also be considered.
The court will try to create a custody arrangement that allows both parents to be involved in the child’s life. This is known as joint managing conservatorship. In this type of arrangement, the parents share significant decision-making and time with the child. However, it is important to understand that this does not mean that each parent will get equal time with the child. The court will still designate which parent will make major decisions about the child’s life, including religion, education and medical issues.
In some situations, the judge may decide to award sole managing conservatorship to a single parent. This is typically done when there is a history of abuse, domestic violence or other circumstances that cannot be resolved through negotiations between the parents. During the course of a sole managing conservatorship, the courts will regularly review the situation and make changes as necessary.
Many people have misconceptions about courts “favoring” certain parents. In truth, the courts are guided by the state’s Family Code and will attempt to make a custody order that serves the child’s best interests. It is important to consult a compassionate, experienced Child Custody Lawyer in Waco Texas to ensure that your case has the highest chance of success. Click here to contact the #1 Family Attorney in Waco, Texas.
There are a number of ways to reach a custody agreement outside of court. The most common way is through mediation. Mediation is a process where both parents and their lawyers meet with a neutral third party to discuss various issues related to the case. The mediator can then help the parties come up with an agreement that is fair to both parties.
It is important to remember that any communication during a custody case can be used against you in court, so it is a good idea to stay away from social media until the case is finalized. Even an angry text message sent in the heat of the moment can be used against you at a hearing.
Tyroch Boyd, PLLC, works with clients in and around Waco on family relations issues. Its team handles claims involving divorce, separation and child custody. In addition, the firm takes on guardianship matters covering disabled and aging family members. Founder Brittany Lannen has served as a prosecutor in the McLennan County Crimes Against Children division and is a certified mediator. She is a member of the Texas Academy of Family Law Specialists and the State Bar of Texas Family Law Section. She received her undergraduate and graduate degrees from Baylor University.